Jagged Edge Productions, the creators of the horror film ‘Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey’, are embarking on a new venture. This time, they’re turning their attention to another well-known character, Pinocchio, who, like Winnie the Pooh, is in the public domain and open to creative reinterpretation.
The upcoming film is titled ‘Pinocchio: Unstrung’. Along with the announcement, the first concept of the film was shared, hinting at a unique take on the character of Papa Carlo.
The unveiling of the director and cast is on the horizon. The filming of ‘Pinocchio: Unstrung’ is set to commence in the summer of 2024, with the aim of releasing the film before the year’s end.
Budget and Style
Given the current pace of work, it’s likely that ‘Pinocchio: Unstrung’ will be a low-budget project, much like ‘Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey’.
Viewers can expect to see other characters from the film revealed in the credits of the sequel to ‘Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey’, another Jagged Edge Productions project. The premiere of this project is slated for February 16.
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